Reports and evaluations

Consultancy reports, Evaluations, etc:

“Evaluation of research on Norwegian development assistance” (with Dorothy Rosenberg, Stein-Erik Kruse, Karl Nilsson and Viktoria Hildenvall), final draft, January 2011

“Chia Se in the Vietnamese Policy Context” (with Hans Warfvinge), Simonstorp/Stockholm, December 2008

“TRAPCA (Trade Policy Training Centre in Africa). Second report of the Monitoring Team”, (with Björn Mothander), Stockholm May 2008

“Vietnam-Sweden Chia Se Poverty Alleviation Programme. Quality Assurance 2007” (with Cecilia Brumér, Robert Bäckström, Nguyen Phuong Nga, and Tran Thi Van Anh”) ORGUT, Stockholm/Hanoi, March 2008

“How Can Aid for Trade Transform LDCs?”, issue paper commissioned by UNIDO, Vienna, mimeo, Stockholm August 2007

“TRAPCA (Trade Policy Training Centre in Africa). Monitoring Report 2007” (with Björn Mothander), Stockholm May 2007

“Vietnam-Sweden Chia Se Poverty Alleviation Programme. Quality Assurance 2006” (with Robert Bäckström, Le Thi Hang, Torbjörn Öckerman and Tran Thi Van Anh”) ORGUT, Stockholm/Hanoi, January 2007

“The Impact of HIV/AIDS on the Economy, Livelihoods and Poverty of Malawi” (with Lisa Arrehag, Dick Durevall and Mirja Sjöblom), study commissioned by Sida, Sida Country Economic Report 2006:1, Stockholm January 2006

“Chia Se Poverty Alleviation Programme. Quality Assurance 2005” (with Torbjörn Öckerman, Tran Thi Van Anh and Nguyen Phuong Nga), Stockholm/Hanoi February 2006

“Programa de capacitación en economía para funcionarios de la República de Cuba. Informe de evaluación”. Evaluation of economics training programme for government officials in Cuba (with Guillermo García-Huidobro), in Spanish. Stockholm/Santiago de Chile, February 2005

“Taxi för Alla. En rapport om ekonomiska aspekter på en försöksverksamhet i Stockholm med taxi för människor med funktionshinder” (with Lennart Widell), in Swedish (an evaluation of a pilote project with taxis adopted to the needs of disabled people), Stockholm, November 2002

“Poverty Reduction in South America: The Millennium Goal within or beyond Reach?”, report commissioned by Sida, Stockholm, June 2002

“Handel och livsmedelssäkerhet” (“Trade and Food Security”, in Swedish, with Gunnel Axelsson-Nycander), bakgrundspapper till den svenska regeringen inför världslivsmedelstoppmötet i Rom i juni 2002, stencil, maj 2002

“Financing Development in the Shadow of HIV/AIDS”, policy paper commissioned by UNAIDS, mimeo, Geneva, March 2002

“Utvärdering av Expert Group on Development Issues (EGDI)” (“Evaluation of EGDI”, in Swedish, with Maria Norberg, Börje Nilsson and Lennart Widell, report commissioned by Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Stockholm, oktober 2001

“MUL-länderna och världshandeln” (“The Least Developed Countries and the World Trade System”), with Gunnel Axelsson Nycander and Marianne Laanatza, team leader for a study commissioned by Sida/INEC, Stockholm, April 2001, published (in Swedish and English) as Sida Studies no. 5/2001

“Ett integrerat synsätt i biståndet? En granskning av Sidas fyra handlingsprogram” (“An Integrated Approach in Swedish Aid Policies? A review of Sida´s Four Action Programmes”, with Pierre Frühling), a report commissioned by Sida, Stockholm, april 2000

“Programa Descentralizado de Apoio à Província do Niassa. Proposta para o Sistema de Monitoría e Avaliacao” (with Gunilla Åkesson, in Portuguese), Växjö/Stockholm, March 2000

“Socio-economic Causes and Consequences of HIV/AIDS”, Issue Paper, Sida, Health Division Document 1999:3, Stockholm 1999

“Poverty Reduction in Namibia: Plan of Action”, team leader and co-author of a report commissioned by the National Planning Commission, Republic of Namibia, Windhoek, May 1999

“The Agenda for Social Renewal and Children´s Secretariat in the West Bank/Gaza – A Review” (team leader and co-author with Naela Ayed, Eva Eriksson, Eva Falkenberg and Annika Nordin-Jayawardena), Sida, Department for Democracy and Social Development, Stockholm, January 1999

“Utveckling, fattigdom och livskvalitet”, kapitel i Utrikesdepartementets Asienstrategi, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Stockholm, September 1998

“Mainstreaming Gender in Namibia´s National Budget” (with Agneta Stark), Stockholm, May 1998

“Vad är en barnvänlig ekonomisk politik? Problem och möjligheter i transitionsekonomierna”, i Barns rättigheter i Baltikum och nordvästra Ryssland, bilaga till barnarbetsgruppens rapport till Nordiska rådets Närområdesutskott, Köpenhamn, oktober 1997

“Poverty Reduction and Gender Equality: An Assessment of Sida´s Country Reports and Evaluations in 1995-96” (with Eva Tobisson), Sida Studies in Evaluation 1997/2, Stockholm, 1997

“Swedish Cooperation with the Philippines. An Assessment of Three Projects”, a report commissioned by Sida, Stockholm, January 1997

“Human and Social Development and European Union Development Cooperation”, a policy paper commissioned by the European Commission, Brussels, September 1996

“Economic Diversification in Amhara National Region State” (with Hans Dahlberg, Andu Alem Tegegne and Tesfaye Assefa), Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, June 1996

“The Role and Mission of BoPED” (with Karl Knutsson, Karin Rudebeck and Örjan Mohlund), Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, March 1996

“Evaluations of Balance of Payments Support: Case Study of Sweden.” In Evaluating Programme Aid, Volume II, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, February 1996.

“Children´s Rights, Development Strategies and Macroeconomic Policies”, paper commissioned by Swedish Save the Children, mimeo, Stockholm, January 1996

“Analysis of Trends in Poverty”. A report commissioned by SIDAs Task Force on Poverty, mimeo, March 1995 (abbreviated and revised version published in Promoting Sustainable Livelihoods. A Report from the Task Force on Poverty Reduction, Sida, Stockholm 1996)

“Sweden 1870-1995. The Rise and Fall of the ‘Swedish Model'”. A report commissioned by UNDP, Human Development Report Office, mimeo, Stockholm, October 1995, published by UNDP Human Development Report Office, Occasional Papers no. 26, New York 1996

“The Role of Government in Zimbabwe´s Agricultural Development”, issues paper for the Ministry of Lands, Water and Rural Development, mimeo, Harare, December 1994

“Análisis de FONDOSILVA con propuestas para el futuro” (with Iván Gutiérrez and Jyrki Salmi, in Spanish), Managua, October 1994

“Nicaragua 1994-2000. Macroeconomic Scenarios”, Managua, April 1994

“Lao PDR. Energy Sector Review” (with Björn Sonnerup), Stockholm/Malmö, January 1994

“Evaluation of Danida`s Balance of Payments Support” (with Michael Jacobsen and Jens Erik Torp), Copenhagen 1994

“Proyecto Nueva Generación. Evaluación Fase I y comentarios Fase II” (in Spanish, with Enrique Pérez), Guatemala City, December 1993

“The Lao-Swedish Forestry Cooperation Programme” (with Mårten Bendz and Börje Wallberg), Stockholm, October 1993

“Aid and Macroeconomics. An Evaluation of Swedish Import Support to Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Nicaragua and Vietnam”, SIDA Evaluation Report 1993/2

“Proposals for the Liberalisation of Agricultural Pricing and Marketing and the Development of Efficient and Competitive Marketing Boards” (with Interconsult Sweden AB, Michigan State University and Ministry of Lands, Agriculture and Water Development of Zimbabwe), Harare, May 1993

“Nicaragua 1982-92. Macroeconomic Context and Relevance of the Forestry Sector Programme”, SIDA, Stockholm, December 1992

“Rural Rehabilitation in Mozambique and the Role of Swedish Assistance”, SIDA, Stockholm 1992

“Evaluation of SAREC’s Core Support to Swedish Academic Institutions” (with Anders Hjort av Ornäs, Lennart Peck and Jan Valdelin, in Swedish), Interconsult Sweden AB, Stockholm 1992

“Analysenheten vid IRDC. En utvärdering” (with Lennart Peck), Stockholm 1992

“Evaluation of SEMOC” (National Seed Company of Mozambique), Interconsult Sweden AB, Stockholm 1992

“Social Science in Africa. The Role of CODESRIA in Pan-African Cooperation” (with Anders Hjort af Ornäs), SAREC Evaluations, Stockholm 1991

“Situations- og perspektivanalyse Vietnam”, report commissioned by DANIDA, Copenhagen 1991

“Proyecto SCC/ECODEPA en Nicaragua. Un Appraisal.” (with Eduardo Baumeister, in Spanish), Managua/Stockholm 1991

“The Socialist Republic of Vietnam” (with Adam Fforde), Asian Development Bank, Manila 1991

“Chile inför 90-talet: en makroekonomisk översikt”, SIDA, Stockholm 1990

“The UN System in Ecuador”, (with Erik Hwist). A Study Commissioned by the Nordic UN Project, Stockholm/Oslo 1989

“The UN System in Bolivia” (with Erik Hwist). A Study Commissioned by the Nordic UN Project, Stockholm/Oslo 1989

“Nicaragua: Agricultural Sector”, paper prepared in connection with macroeconomic advisory mission to Nicaragua in 1989

“Evaluación del Programa de Acción Solidaria (PAS)” (in Spanish), Santiago/Stockholm 1989

“Nicaragua. Energy Sector Review” (with Per Johan Svenningsson), Stockholm 1988

“Zambia. The Macroeconomic Framework and Medium-term Prospects”, SIDA 1988

“Landrapport Guinea-Bissau”, (Country Report Guinea-Bissau), SIDA 1987

“Swedish Import Support to Nicaragua”, 1987 (in Swedish)

“The Exchange Rate Regime in Nicaragua and its Implications for Swedish Assistance”, 1987 (in Swedish)

“Regional Co-operation in Central America”, (with Carl-Gustaf Svensson), 1987 (in Swedish)

“Evaluation of the International Co-operative Alliance’s Development Program 1985-88” (with Lars Wicknerts, Roar Moelva and May Woldsnes), 1987

“Import Support to Tanzania: The Macroeconomic Framework and Medium-Term Prospects”, 1987

“Evaluation of the Intensive Rural works Programme (IRWP) in Bangladesh”, 1986 (team leader of joint Nordic evaluation mission)

“Evaluation of the Co-operation between the Swedish Co-operative Centre and UNAG (Union Nacional de Agricultures y Ganaderos de Nicaragua), 1986 (team leader of evaluation mission. In Spanish)

“On Disasters and Disaster Relief”, SIDA 1985 (in Swedish)

“Landrapport Nicaragua” (Country Report Nicaragua), SIDA 1985 (in Swedish)

“Landrapport Vietnam”, (Country Report Vietnam), SIDA 1984 (in Swedish)

“Landrapport Laos” (Country Report Laos), SIDA 1983 (in Swedish)

“Mid-term Evaluation of MONAP II” (Mozambique-Nordic Agricultural Program), 1983 (team leader of joint Nordic evaluation mission)

A large number of minor consultancy reports.